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Some Icons by svgrepo.com

Ciao! I'm Renato Loiacono

I'm a 17 years old student from Italy, I love programming and creating websites.

My favourite programming language is Kotlin, but I'm more experienced in JavaScript and I've also got experience in C++, C#, Java, Kotlin and Lua.

I'm currently a student at Volta de Gemmis.

My Projects


This website

reloia.github.io - GitHub page

ReLoia Listen

Api endpoint to see what I'm listening to and other spotify-related stuff

reloia-listen.glitch.me - GitHub page


A NodeJS library that allows you to interact with ArgoScuolaNext API

ReLoia/ArgoScuolaNext-NodeJS - Readme.md



Android application created for the "Welcome to Automation" contest with a friend of mine where we placed third. For more information about the project read the ReadMe.

gabdevele/SmartWheelChair - Readme.md

MeYou - the social for two

The frontend of MeYou's home page, a new social made in Italy

MeYou - the social for two


An OpenSource Android App that allows you to read books from the LiberLiber website

ReLoia/liberMobile - Readme.md
See my GitHub Profile for more github.com/ReLoia

Favourite artists

Images from Last.fm
System of a Down
Arctic Monkeys
and much more...

Song of the daySee more


How does this webpage work?

Music Player

It fetches my currently or last played song from my API hosted on Glitch.com and loads it.

/* I make a GET request to my backend server to get my currently or last played song */\nl const response = await fetch('https://glitch-proxy.vercel.app/reloia-listen/api');\nl /* Next, I convert the response to JSON */\nl const json = await response.json();\nl /* And I pass that to my function that handles all the changes to the player */\nl setInfo(json);

Italian text

It's just a simple CSS hack.

/* I made a custom tag called ita */\nl ita {\nl \ta /* I set the display to inline-block to make it work in text fields */\nl \ta display: inline-block;\nl \ta /* Then I used the property background to make a gradient */\nl \ta background: linear-gradient (90deg, #009246 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ce2b37 100%);\nl \ta /* I used the property color to make the text transparent */\nl \ta color: transparent;\nl \ta /* And finally I used the property -webkit-background-clip to make the background visible only in the text */\nl \ta -webkit-background-clip: text;\nl }

Contact me

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